Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Installing Exchange Other on Member Server (Non Domain Controller)

If You are installing Exchange Serve 2010 on Other than Domain Controller.
like This.

Then You need to perform three step before running the Exchange Setup.

STEP - 1

     Run Power Shell as Administrator and type these commands

a.       PS C:\Users\Administrator> Import-Module Servermanager
b.      PS C:\Users\Administrator> Add-WindowsFeatures “rsat-adds”
c.       Restart the server

STEP - 2

Run Power Shell as Administrator and type these command

PS C:\Exchange_DVD_x64> .\Setup /prepareAD /OrganizationName: “First Organization Mani"
Press Enter.


STEP - 3

Download and install the 2007 Office System Converter: Microsoft Filter Pack



If you are trying to install Exchange Server on Member Server (Other than Domain Controller) then You would get the following error.
"Error: The Active Directory Schema is not up-to-date and Ldifde.exe is not installed on this computer. You must install Ldifde.exe by running Add-WindowsFeature “RSAT –ADDS”.

These errors occur because Exchange setup is attempting to use the LDIFDE.exe tool to update the Active Directory schema for Exchange Server, and the tool is not installed by default on these operating systems.

The solution is to install the RSAT-ADDS components on the server.
To Resolve this Error run the following commands in Power Shell.
Import-Module Servermanager
Add-WindowsFeature "rsat-adds"
Restart the Server.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Microsoft Outlook 2010 550 Access denied Invalid HELO name

550 Access denied Invalid HELO name

If you're getting this error when sending out email. Please double check your email setting to use the following

For outlook
  1. Click Tools then E-mail Accounts...
  2. Select "View or change existing e-mail accounts" and click Next
  3. Select the email account and click Change
  4. Click on "More settings"
  5. Select "Outgoing Server" tab
  6. Tick "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication"
  7. Select "Use same settings as my incoming email server"
  8. Click Ok
  9. Press Next
  10. Lastly, press Finish

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Migrate Symantec Endpoint Protection Manger Server to a new Installed Server

This How-To will explain in detail how you can "Migrate" your Symantec Endpoint Protection Server to a new server with new hardware.
I would normally image the old server with Symantec System Restore, but I am upgrading the base OS as well from Server 2003 Enterprise to Server 2008 Enterprise 64-bit, so we will have to go through the motions of moving it.

Install, activate, and update the new server.

Install Server 2008 or whichever operating system you will be using, and make sure all drivers are working. You will also want to make sure to perform all MS updates while you are at it.
Additionally, if you are a fan of redundancy (as most of us are), go ahead and team/bond your NICs while you have the opportunity so that you do not disrupt the network connectivity after it is in production.

Add the server to the domain.

This should be pretty straight forward.

Install Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager on the new server.

Again, should be straight forward.

Use the Configuration Wizard to prep it.

When you get to the Management Server Configuration Wizard panel, go through with the Advanced Configuration type and select how many computers will be managed by this server.
Choose to Install an additional site. This is the only option that will install a Management Server and a database for replication.
In the Server Information panel, accept or change the default values and then click Next.
In the Site Information panel, accept or change the name in the Site Name box and then click Next. The Site Name cannot be the same as what you have on your other SEPM.

Point it to the old server for replication, and input the old server's credentials.

In the Replication Information panel, type values in the following boxes:
* Replication Server Name (The Name or IP address of the old Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager)
* Replication Server Port (The default is 8443 but you need to use the same port as the old server here)
* Administrator Name (The Username used to log on to the old console)
* Password (The password used to log on to the old console.)
Click Next.

In the Certificate Warning dialog box, click Yes

You must accept this certificate, or the replication cannot occur due to the server being seen as untrusted.

Select the database type to use.

In the Database Server Choice panel select either the Embedded database or the Microsoft SQL Server irrespective of what you have on your old server and click Next to complete the installation.
Note that the embedded version is fine for most SMBs as it can support up to 5,000 client computers. SQL Server would be useful in a very large organization, but it would be a resource hog. I will choose embedded.

Setup database security credentials.

Note that after much troubleshooting at this step upon ANY initial install, you would do well to use something like your company's name
and then change it afterwards. I could not login because (according to symantec support) the initial install doesn't like numbers or special characters for the database password. They advised me to use a single simple word longer than 6 characters.
Additionally, you may need to change the default port here so it does not conflict with the old network AV manager. You may also want to logout of the old one.
Additionally, if you encounter some failure issues, your best bet is to go to your windows firewall on both machines and add the appropriate TCP port exceptions. In my case as seen by the port numbers, I added an exception on both servers for 8443 (new server port), 8444 (old server port), and 2638 (new server database port). It took me a while to realize this was the reason my setup was failing.

Login and check that everything has migrated

Log in to the new Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) and ensure that all the clients and policies are Migrated successfully. Note that you will also have to reassign them to the new server BEFORE removing SEPM from the old server.

Reassign the clients to report to the new server

At this juncture everything should be running fine. However, we still have to tell our clients to begin reporting to the new server before we can remove the application from the old one. If you see this type of icon representing your clients on the new server then go to the next step to handle it.

Reassign part 2

To reassign the clients to report to the new server, open the SEPM console of the old server and login. Now, click on policies, and drop down policy components. Select management server lists and find the new server under the name tab. Double click it to verify the IP and name are correct. Now cancel out. Right-click on the server and select "Assign..." from the popup menu. Check all the boxes to change the reporting for all clients. Finally click on "Assign".
Be patient. Depending on how many clients you have and how many may not be connected this can take several minutes. I have elected to leave the old server up for an additional week or 2 to ensure that I get all machines moved. For example those that may be off at the time of the initial reassignment.

Double Check the assignment on the new server

Make sure the icons on the new server have updated to represent that they are now reporting to it instead of the old server.

Once all have reassigned successfully

Log in to the new SEPM and delete the old SEPM server from the Replication partners list and the Remote Sites.
Under the Management Server Lists Policy Component, Delete the Default Management Server List for ‘OLD SEPM’ server.


You have successfully migrated a Symantec Endpoint Protection Management Server!


This took a while to write up as I ran into several issues which I had to fix with ports. I also got a corrupted NIC driver out of the blue on the old server during this process and had to start over. I was migrating to a newer faster more redundant server for obvious reasons. I would recommend that you leave the old server up for a solid week and check on the assignment regularly. I do not know what would happen to a client assigned to the old server if you took it offline. I imagine you would have to uninstall and redeploy to those clients, and then reapply the policies, so if you are willing to go through all of this, more power to you, but I was not.
I sincerely hope this helps the next person who has to go through this. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Server Core Some Commands

Configuration of IP address:

Netsh interface ipv4 set address name=2 source=staic address= mask= gateway=

Set the DNS Server IP address

Netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=2 address= index=1

Rename the computer to W2k8-Core by using the following commands

Netdom renamecomputer %computername% /newname:W2k8-Core / /password:Nu66et$ /reboot:0

Join the server to the domain

Netdom joing %computername% / / /password:* /reboot

Turn off the firewall

Netsh advfirewall set allporfiles stat off

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Boot Linux Grub in single user mode

Boot Linux Grub Into Single User Mode

Procedure: Boot Linux Grub Boot Loader into single user mode

(1) At grub boot screen (after restart)
(2) Select the kernel
(3) Press the e key to edit the entry
(4) Select second line (the line starting with the word kernel)
(5) Press the e key to edit kernel entry so that you can append single user mode
(6) Append the letter S (or word Single) to the end of the (kernel) line
(7) Press ENTER key
(8) Now press the b key to boot the Linux kernel into single user mode
(9) When prompted give root password and you be allowed to login into single user mode.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thunderbird email database

Where are the Thunderbird email databases stored? 

Thunderbird stores email databases in the profile folder which, in Windows, is located in the
 %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\XXXXXXXX.default\Mail\
  • Refer to the system tips for a description of %USERPROFILE% thing; you will also need to adjust Windows Explorer settings to show hidden objects - the Application Data folder is hidden from view with the default system settings.
  • XXXXXXXX.default - here X any letter or number.
Inside this profile folder you should find a subfolder for each your mail accounts and another one for "Local Folders". Each of those contains a bunch of files with the names matching your Thunderbird folder names.

Profile folders default to a standard location but are named randomly for additional security. Or you can set a custom location using Other methods of finding a profile below.
The installation directory includes a folder named "profile" (for example, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\defaults\profile on Windows), but this folder contains program defaults, not your user profile data. On Windows 2000/XP/Vista and on Linux, the folder containing your user profile data is hidden by default and you will need to show hidden files and folders to navigate to the profile folder. 

The easiest way to find your profile is to click on the "Open Containing Folder" button in Help -> Troubleshooting Information. That launches windows explorer (or the equivalent file manager for your operating system) with the profile folder selected. That feature was added in Thunderbird 5.0.

Windows 2000 and XP

  1. Choose Start → Run
  2. Type in %APPDATA%
  3. Press OK. A Windows Explorer window will appear.
  4. In the Windows Explorer window, choose Thunderbird → Profiles. Each folder in this folder is a profile on your computer.
You can also navigate directly to your profile folder at the following path:
  • C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows user name>\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\<Profile name>
The Application Data folder is a hidden folder; to show hidden folders, open Windows Explorer and choose "Tools → Folder Options → View (tab) → Show hidden files and folders".

Windows Vista and 7

  1. Open the Windows Start menu
  2. In the the "Start Search" box, type in %APPDATA% [1]
  3. Click the "Roaming" item that appears on the menu.
  4. In the Windows Explorer window that opens, choose Thunderbird → Profiles. Each folder in this folder is a profile on your computer.
You can also navigate directly to your profile folder at the following path:
  • C:\Users\<Windows user name>\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\<Profile name>\
The AppData folder is folder is a hidden folder; to show hidden folders, open a Windows Explorer window and choose "Organize → Folder and Search Options → Folder Options → View (tab) → Show hidden files and folders".

Linux and Unix

Profile folders are located here:
  • ~/.thunderbird/<Profile name>/
However, if you're using a third party build from Debian or Ubuntu, those builds store your profile folder here:
  • ~/.mozilla-thunderbird<Profile name>.
Both are hidden folders. See this article for more information. To show hidden files in Nautilus (Gnome desktop's default file browser), choose "View -> Show Hidden Files".

Mac OS X

Profile folders are in one of these locations:
  • ~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/<Profile name>/
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Thunderbird/Profiles/<Profile name>/
The tilde character (~) refers to the current user's Home folder, so ~/Library is the /Macintosh HD/Users/<username>/Library folder.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Change the SSH Port in CentOS

By Default CentOS uses SSH Port Number 22 for security reasons it is recommended to change the Port Number:

Procedure : 

1.You need to open SSHD config file using nano.
2.Thats your SSHD config file. On that there will be line called
3.Restart SSH daemon to apply changes in running configuration
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
You will see the port number is commented by default that shows it is 22 by default
#Port 22
You just need to uncomment #Port 22 and replace 22 with some other number like 2020 etc.
Port 2020 
Now your SSH port is 2020
You can change the number 22 to whatever port that you like. After you done hit Ctrl+O key on keyboard to write the chnages in to the file and then Ctrl+X to exit the text editor.
Next time when you will try to connect to your linux server via ssh client. then you must use new port number instead of default 22.

On CentOS run
service sshd restart
On debian or Ubuntu run
restart ssh
Then you will be immediately logged out from current SSH session because port changed.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Installation & Configuration of Cisco ASDM on GNS3

Installation & Configuration of Cisco ASDM on GNS3

Step - 1


Download initrd & kernel files for ASA from this link
Download TFTP Server from this link
Download Cisco ASA ASDM Image file from this Link
Download GNS3 from GNS3 Website

Step - 2

Install GNS3 on your system
Install TFTP server on your system

Step - 3

Open GNS3 from shortcut on your desktop
Go to Edit => Preferences..

Go to Qemu and Click on Test.
To verify either Qemu is working successfully.

Now Go to ASA Tab showing in Preferences
Now Enter the Name for ASA in Identifier Name
Set the Memory to 512
Add the initrd and kernel files in ASA Specific Settings from the path where the files were downloaded

Click on Save button and press OK

Now come in Node Types and drag ASA Firewall 

Click on Start Button to turn the Firewall ON
You will see the following screen 

Note : Do not close this black screen. Minimize this black window and let it to run in background.

Now right click on ASA Firewall and open the Console.

Now Type this script on this screen 
cd /mnt/disk0
and press enter. your firewall will be start and enjoy.

Note :
 You must reboot the firewall manually by before copying the Cisco ASDM on this other wise you may get the error of "No Memory Space".
So after rebooting your firewall 
Start the TFTP server installed on your machine.

Go to File ==> Configure to select the path of the directory where the ASDM Image is placed. In our case this ASDM image is placed on my Desktop

So, Click on Browse button the select the path. like this.